In “Unspeakable”, you will assume the identity of a corpulent English gentleman, with a penchant for game pie and the finest port.
And when not eating and drinking yourself into a stupor, you delight in rampaging through the neighbouring countryside on your sweating steed... in hot pursuit of a small, defenceless mammal.
The fox will lead you on a perilous rural mystery tour, from one location to another. Round and round and round you will go. Through the village, over the glistening brook and across the fertile meadows. Up the hill, down the hill, around the hill and back again.
But, you will never succeed in catching your intended prey, for the fox is a swift and cunning adversary... whilst you... are a lumbering, gout-ridden oaf.
You are a haughty fox hunter.
With your hunting associates, you will take it in turns to be the Master of the Hunt.
You will ride your Steed through the English countryside in pursuit of the Fox.
You are in competition with your fellow fox hunters to be the outstanding huntsman of the day.
Score Hunt Points by landing on (or near) the Fox’s current location.
Use the Angry Farmer and the Bull to hamper your opponents.
Be the first player to reach the Finishing Post.
You will never, ever catch the Fox.
“Unspeakable” is the morally inexcusable board game of animal persecution.
For 3 to 7 bloated, bilious and supercilious country squires.
Game Contents
1 Game Board
7 Steeds
7 Player Mats
7 Scoring Pawns
1 Turn Marker (the Hound)
1 Fox
1 Bull
1 Angry Farmer
1 Finishing Post
10 Location Tiles
21 Pursuit Tokens
1 Six Sided White Dice
1 Ten Sided Red Dice
40 Master of the Hunt Cards
1 Drawstring Bag
1 Turn Aid
1 Game Guide
1 Rules Booklet
© 2023