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A polar bear confronts a smiling Inuit.

Nestled deep within the Arctic Circle sits an icy stretch of water known as Baffin Bay.

Baffin Bay lies between Greenland and Baffin Island, the latter being the largest island in Canada and home to a small population of Inuit people.

The Bay is frozen over for much of the year, but during summer’s thaw, the pack ice breaks up and retreats, leaving behind open waters strewn with fragmenting icebergs.


You are an Inuit fisherman.

Two weeks ago, you and a few of your Inuit neighbours paddled out into Baffin Bay and landed upon a large sheet of floating ice. That’s where you spent fourteen lazy days fishing on the iceberg’s southern side.

But that chunk of ice is fast deteriorating. As the days grow warmer, the ice on which you stand becomes thin and brittle… and it is only a matter of time before that glistening isle becomes cold blue seawater once more.


You and your fellow fishermen decide that it’s now time to beat a hasty retreat back to the kayaks on the north side of the iceberg. But it’s going to be a perilous trek across a slippery slab of shrinking white. Melt-water from the north rushes beneath the fragile ice in a relentless and unforgiving current… and the silhouette of a hungry polar bear looms large upon the vast horizon.


The race is on. Gather up your fishing line, strap on your snowshoes and head north. The first fisherman back to his kayak wins the plaudits of his peers… and an extra-large portion of whale-meat at tea-time.




Baffin Bay is a board game for 2 to 6 warmly attired players.





1 Game Board

6 Inuit Figures

1 Polar Bear

70 Cards

66 Tiles

1 Blue Dice

1 White Dice

1 Quick Reference Guide

1 Rules Booklet


©  2011

(Revised 2016 & 2022)


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